Frequently Asked Questions
1. What’s it cost?
2. What kind of accounts do you take?
I can take any kind of account. Mostly, I work with IRAs, Roth IRAs, and taxable accounts (individual, joint, or trust). I can also do business retirement accounts: SEPs, SIMPLEs, and 401(k) plans.
3. Can I get electronic access to my accounts?
4. Can I just give you my money and have you manage it?
Yes, in fact, this is how I do almost all of my business now. The markets are moving too fast and too erratically today to discuss every move with every client. As a fiduciary, I am commited (in addition to being legally required) to serving your best interest! This makes me something like a pilot: tell me your destination – where you’re trying to go – and I’ll chose the airplane and fly it to get you there. Flying airplanes is pretty complicated, so it requires quite a bit of expertise. Investing is like that…
5. You look old! When are you going to retire? What happens then?
Well, it’s true! I’m old! And with age comes experience, and with experience comes good judgment, and with good judgment comes something like wisdom. I keep looking at Warren Buffett: he’s over 90 now and says he still dances his way to work. I eat healthy food, I do a serious exercise program, and I’m now physically stronger than I’ve ever been. So I keep looking out about 10 years. This of course IS an issue and I’m looking for a protégé who I can train to do it right and who wants to learn what I’ve learned. If you know of anyone, please send them my way.
6. What if you get sick? Or die?
7. I never heard of Cambridge. Who are they?
Any other questions?
Please call or email me. I’ll be happy to answer and discuss anything with you! And if your question strikes me as something that more people SHOULD be asking, I’ll include it in this list.